
Showing posts from May, 2019

Jobs that an immigrant can do in Canada

If you are a person who is looking forward to migrate the most immigrant friendly Canada then you have the best decision. Canada is the country which is in the top lists of immigrants. The beautiful climate and top living standards make Canada the best country to live. But to enjoy all the benefits of the life in Canada, you need to find the best job that you can do in the country. Lots of job opportunities are available in Canada with very attractive salary benefits. Here are the lists of top jobs that an immigrant can do in Canada. The health care, construction and business sectors provide large no of job openings for immigrants in Canada. Here is the top lists: 1)Business Analyst 2)Accountant 3)Land Surveyors 4)Nurse 5)Truck Drivers 6)Welder 7)Geological Engineer 8) Insurance agents 9)Dentist The above listed jobs may need practical experience and special skills, but if you are looking for a job that a fresher can do, then check the follo...

6 factors to consider before finalizing the country to migrate

The country you live affects the way you live. You have to take a no of factors into consideration before choosing the perfect place to live. factor's like crime rate, living standards etc have great role in determining your living standard there. Below are some of the major points you need to consider before deciding the country that you need to settle down. Affordability: You may be a person with a very reasonable pay scale and resources but still you need to check whether you can afford the expenses on the particular place. Choose the location carefully such that the area have a reasonable expenditure structure. Tax rate: Different countries have different tax rates. Decide the place so that the tax rate is reasonable which will affect the affordability factor. Crime Rate: You cannot ignore the criminal history of the country if you are a person who really wish to have a peaceful life. Check the crime rate on the area through resources like newspap...

Common immigration myths

Common immigration myths As the rate of immigration increases the no of immigration myths among people is also increasing. People often came forward in search whether these are actual facts or not. Here is some common myths about immigration and there actual reality. 1)Most of the immigration is illegal One of the common myth that spread across is that immigrations are illegal. Controversy is there regarding this factor. The truth is most of the immigration's happening is legal. Most of the immigrants in countries like Canada and America are lawful immigrants. Case studies and statics shows this. 2)Immigrants don't need to learn English This is a serious misunderstanding if you believe so. Without learning the language ypu cannot survive in the country either if it is as a student or an employee. English knowledge is a must in the visa process which you may need to qualify exams like IELTS. 3)Immigrants don't need to pay taxes This is another myth among immigrant...